

Linsey-Woolsey, ein aus England flammender Stoff zu Damenunterröcken; leinwandartig und sehr dicht gewebt aus baumwollener Kette und streichwollenem Schuß, nicht gewalkt und also auch nicht gerauht, aber ganz glatt geschoren, daher ohne Spur von Decke oder haarigem Ansehen (s. Weberei).

E. Müller.

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  • linsey-woolsey — [lin′zē wool′zē] n. pl. linsey woolseys [ME linsy wolsye < lin, linen (see LINE2) + wolle, WOOL + jingling suffix] 1. a coarse cloth made of linen and wool or cotton and wool: also linsey 2. Obs. an incongruous mixture; jumble …   English World dictionary

  • linsey-woolsey — late 15c., originally a cloth woven from LINEN (Cf. linen) and WOOL (Cf. wool); the words altered for the sake of a jingling sound. Linsey is attested from mid 15c., apparently meaning coarse linen fabric. Some sources suggest a connection or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Linsey-woolsey — Lin sey wool sey (l[i^]n s[y^]*w[oo^]l s[y^]; 277), n. 1. Cloth made of linen and wool, mixed. [1913 Webster] 2. Jargon. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Linsey-woolsey — Lin sey wool sey, a. Made of linen and wool; hence, of different and unsuitable parts; mean. Johnson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • linsey-woolsey — /lin zee wool zee/, n., pl. linsey woolseys. 1. a coarse fabric woven from linen warp, or sometimes cotton, and coarse wool filling. 2. a garment made from this. 3. Archaic. any mixture that is incongruous or of poor quality; jumble: That last… …   Universalium

  • linsey-woolsey — [ˌlɪnzɪ wʊlzi] noun a strong, coarse fabric with a linen or cotton warp and a woollen weft. Origin C15: from linsey, orig. denoting a coarse linen fabric (prob. from Lindsey, a village in Suffolk) + wool + sey as a rhyming suffix …   English new terms dictionary

  • linsey-woolsey — /lɪnzi ˈwʊlzi/ (say linzee woolzee) noun (plural linsey woolseys) a coarse fabric woven from linen warp and coarse wool filling …  

  • linsey-woolsey — n. a fabric of coarse wool woven on a cotton warp. Etymology: ME f. linsey coarse linen, prob. f. Lindsey in Suffolk + WOOL, with jingling ending …   Useful english dictionary

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