CER-22 — CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски Рачунар Digital Electronic Computer ) model 22 was a transistor based computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1967. It was originally intended for banking applications and was used for data… … Wikipedia
CER-10 — CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски Рачунар Digital Electronic Computer ) model 10 was a vacuum tube and transistor based computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1960 (4),(5)] . This was the first computer ever… … Wikipedia
CER-12 — CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски Рачунар Digital Electronic Computer ) model 12 was an third generation digital computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1971 and intended for business and statistical data processing . However,… … Wikipedia
čer — čer̃ interj., čer 1. džer (žvangėjimui, tarškėjimui nusakyti): Kai mečiau akmenį į geležis, tik čer čer! Gs. Ižas užsidėjęs ant ledo, tai, kai eini, čer̃ čer̃ čirkši Kp. 2. čir, čar (skardžiam paukščio ar žvėrelio riktelėjimui nusakyti):… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Cer — or CER may refer to: Cer (mountain), a mountain in Serbia Cer (goddess), Greek goddess of violent death, one of the Protogenoi Canonical Encoding Rules, a set of ASN.1 encoding rules for formatting data in binary Centre for European Reform… … Wikipedia
CER — steht für: Cer, ein chemisches Element Cer (Gebirge), ein Gebirge in Serbien Schlacht von Cer, eine Schlacht im 1. Weltkrieg CER steht für: Certified Emission Reduction (zertifizierte Emissionsreduktion), offizielle Bezeichnung von… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cér- — ⇒CÉR(É) , CÉR(I) , CÉR(O) , (CÉR , CÉRÉ , CÉRI , CÉRO ), préf. Élément préf. tiré du gr. ou du lat. cera « cire » et servant à former des mots savants. I. Substantifs A. [La voyelle de liaison est o (mots formés à partir du gr. )]. 1. BOTANIQUE … Encyclopédie Universelle
cer — cȅr m <N mn ovi, zb. cȇrje> DEFINICIJA bot. drvo Quercus cerris; cerovac, crni hrast ONOMASTIKA Céronja m. os. ime (narodno), zast.; hip.: Cére, Céro pr. (od imena ili češće etnici): Ceránac (Slavonija), Ceránčević (Vinkovci), Cèranić (180 … Hrvatski jezični portal
cer — cer·am·byc·i·dae; cer·a·mog·ra·phy; cer·as; … English syllables
cer — cer̃ interj. čer, čir (karaliuko balsui nusakyti): Cek cek cek, cer! – prabilo iš po lūžusio medžio karaliukas Mš … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language