

Digitalin, s. Glykoside.

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  • digitalin — dig i*ta lin, n. [Cf. F. digitaline.] (a) (Medicine, Pharmacy) Any one of several extracts of foxglove ({Digitalis}), as the French extract, the German extract, etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties. Both {Digitalis… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Digitalīn — (Chem.), C16H14O7, eine in der Digitalis purpurea sich findende organische Base, welche so dargestellt wird: das alkoholähnliche Extract der trockenen Pflanze wird mit Wasser behandelt, so lange dasselbe noch einen bitteren Geschmack annimmt, der …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Digitalīn — C35H56O14 (?), nach Kiliani ein amorphes Glykosid in Digitalis purpurea, wird durch Salzsäure gespalten in Digitaligenin C23H32O3, Traubenzucker C6H12O6 und Digitalose C7H14O5. Ein andres Glykosid, das Digitoxin C34H54O11, schmilzt bei 145° und… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • digitalin — [dij΄i tal′in; ] also [, dij΄itā′lin] n. [< DIGITALIS + IN1] a poisonous, crystalline glycoside, C36H56O14, obtained from the seed of the digitalis …   English World dictionary

  • digitalin — noun Etymology: New Latin Digitalis Date: 1837 1. a white crystalline steroid glycoside C36H56O14 obtained from seeds especially of the common foxglove 2. a mixture of the glycosides of digitalis …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • digitalin — /dij i tal in, tay lin/, n. Pharm. 1. a glucoside obtained from digitalis. 2. any of several extracts of mixtures of glucosides obtained from digitalis. [1830 40; DIGITAL(IS) + IN2] * * * …   Universalium

  • digitalin — noun Any of a mixture of glycosides, extracted from the foxglove plant, that is used as a cardiotonic …   Wiktionary

  • digitalin — A standardized mixture of digitalis glycosides used as a cardiotonic in the treatment of congestive heart failure. crystalline d. SYN: digitoxin. * * * dig·i·tal·in .dij ə tal ənalso tāl n …   Medical dictionary

  • digitalin — n. poisonous substance derived from the digitalis plant …   English contemporary dictionary

  • digitalin — [ˌdɪdʒɪ teɪlɪn] noun a drug containing the active constituents of digitalis …   English new terms dictionary

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